We're sending PAYG summaries for the 2023-24 financial year to eligible members via their preferred delivery method. Alternatively, eligible members can download their PAYG summary from their Members Online inbox.

If you recently received an email from us regarding interview sessions on behalf of our research provider, AKQA; that is a legitimate email. Please contact us at research@esssuper.com.au if you have any concerns.



  • Reflecting on 2020 - 2020 was a year like never before. We want to thank our members and recognise the incredible roles you played in supporting the community through it.
  • Webinars - It’s important to understand how your super works and all the options available to you – and we can help! Run by experts, find out about our range of webinars.
  • Your partner deserves the best - Did you know that your spouse or de facto partner can become an ESSSuper member too? And there are some pretty good reasons to join!
  • Five simple super lessons you may wish you’d learnt earlier - It’s never too late to make the most of your super. But the earlier you understand how to make your super work for you, the better it can be for your financial future. Here’s five things you can try now.
  • Women and super - making extra contributions - Despite many advances in the workplace, it’s a serious concern that, on average, Australian women may retire with less super savings than their male peers. But there are some things women can do to help close the gender savings gap and improve their financial future.
  • Are you average? - What’s an "average" income? It may not be what you think, and that can have implications for you now and in retirement.
  • New year, new… super contributions! - It’s still early in the year and a great time to make a fresh start with some good habits. One of the most rewarding things you can do to deliver long-term benefits is contributing a little more into your super.
  • Extra benefits to protect you and your family - It’s important to have the right amount of insurance cover to meet your financial needs in the event of a serious injury or illness. Did you know there are extra benefits available that can help you protect what’s important to you?
  • Changes in legislation - Do you receive pension payments from us, or make voluntary super contributions? Read more about some important legislative changes.
  • Victoria Police and Emergency Services Games - We're proud to have sponsored the Victoria Police and Emergency Services Games, 17 – 21 March 2021.
  • Angela Taylor Memorial Run/Walk 2021 - On 18 April 2021 staff members from ESSSuper completed the Angela Taylor Memorial Run/Walk.
  • Federal Budget 2021-22 - With superannuation measures in the Federal Budget 2021/22 focused on helping retirees, working mothers, and low-income earners, find out how the proposed changes could affect you.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine will not invalidate your benefits - You can be confident that when you get vaccinated, your life insurance will be with you every step of the way.
  • Income Stream accounts: temporary changes to minimum drawdown rates extended until 30 June 2022 - The Federal Government announced an extension of the reduced minimum drawdown rates for account-based income stream products for a further year to 30 June 2022.
  • Contributing with your spouse - Did you know that you can make after-tax super contributions, or even split up to 85% of your concessional contributions, to your spouse? From tax to Centrelink entitlements, find out how these may benefit you.
  • Mental health - How insurance can help - Providing for a comfortable retirement is just one of the benefits of super. Having insurance through your ESSSuper account can help support you when dealing with challenging or stressful situations you may face along the way.
  • Making the most of retirement - A happy retirement means more than just financial security; it’s about finding a sense of purpose. As you get closer to hanging up your uniform or laptop for the last time, it’s worth thinking about the lifestyle you want.
  • Superannuation rule changes from 1 July 2021 - On 1 July 2021, a few changes were made to superannuation rules that could change the way you save and grow for your retirement. As these changes can be confusing, here’s an overview of recent changes that may impact ESSSuper members.
  • Investment update - 2020-21 financial year - Global economic conditions improved over the last financial year. Daniel Selioutine, Head of Investments, gives more details in his economic and market commentary for 2020-21.
  • CEO Mark Puli bids farewell to ESSSuper - Our CEO of 10 years, Mark Puli, has resigned from his position effective 3 January 2022.


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