We're asking members to share their views about ESSSuper, so you may have received an email from us about participating in an Investment Trends survey. Please click the button in that email if you're comfortable to do so, otherwise please email us at research@esssuper.com.au
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Find your super

Request an ATO super search

Members Online

Login and select 'Account consolidation' from the menu to get started today.

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Do you know where your super is?

Most Australians have more than one super fund. You may have lost track of your super when you moved house, changed your name, or got a new job.

Sometimes, you lose track of your super just because you haven't updated your contact details.

Did you know that once a super fund receives two pieces of unclaimed or returned mail, you may be regarded as a 'lost member' and they may not send any more correspondence to you?

Some of your super may be sitting idle or worse still, being eaten away by fees, charges, or insurance premiums.

Your super is your hard-earned money. Don't just forget about it!

Let us help you find your super

You can now provide consent to an ATO super search via Members Online. If we find other super on your behalf, you can view your search results and roll in your super - all within Members Online.

The Account Consolidation page in Members Online lets you consolidate any located funds in as little as three clicks, and without having to complete any paper forms. Don't have an eligible account to roll your other funds into? That's OK - you can easily set up an Accumulation Plan account online as well2.

Find your super - log on to Members Online and consent to a super search now.

Cancellation of an account may also affect benefits such as any insurance cover you have with that fund. Before rolling any money into ESSSuper, consider how cancelling your other fund might affect you.

Find your super and make it work harder

Why let your super diminish because of fees, charges and insurance premiums? Instead, you could roll it into your ESSSuper account (subject to eligibility), save on fees and charges, and reap the benefits of compound interest.

Find your super - log on to Members Online and consent to a super search now.

The ATO have a Super register to help you keep track of where your super is.

To find your super easily, you can:

  • Log onto Members Online and use our handy search and consolidation process
  • Let us help you find it and take the hassle out of consolidating it1
  • Find your lost super yourself, and make it work harder for you by rolling it into ESSSuper1, or 
  • If you still can't find it, you can contact the ATO.

You will need your Tax File Number to complete the search.

1. You should check any insurance arrangements that may be forfeited, or any other effects this transfer may have on your benefits, before rolling your money into our fund.

2. Before making any decisions about ESSSuper products or services, you should read the applicable PDS or Handbook. You can access all of our publications here.