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Extra contributions

February 22 2025

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Extra contributions are a simple way to increase your super.

'Extra contributions', or 'personal contributions', are payments you make to your super after tax - for example, a lump sum you decide to deposit. These are formally referred to as 'non-concessional contributions'.

Anyone can make an extra contribution into their super, but it is important to note that this might not be the best option for your personal circumstances.

The Government sets limits on how much extra you can contribute to super without attracting contributions tax. If you are a low income earner, under certain circumstances you may also be eligible for the Government co-contribution.

Making extra contributions

Accumulation Plan members

If you would like to make regular contributions to your Accumulation Plan account via your payroll, simply complete the Regular contributions (ES151) form and submit it to your payroll department.

If you would like to make a lump sum contribution instead, it's as easy as putting money in the bank. Check your eligibility to contribute personal contributions and get BPAY details in the Contributions > Contribute to super section of Members Online.

Forms and transactions

Defined benefit fund members

Your defined benefit fund is based on a specific formula, which means you are unable to make extra contributions to your defined benefit fund.

However, many ESSSuper members choose to partner their defined benefit fund with our Accumulation Plan, to keep all their super with the fund they trust.

Not only does this allow you to make extra contributions, but you can also enjoy other benefits such as rolling over other funds into ESSSuper, accessing an award-winning income stream, increasing your insurance, or using it if they change employers. 

Find out more about the Accumulation Plan here

As a defined benefit member, you may also be able to grow your super by increasing your contribution rate.

Spouse contributions

As an ESSSuper member your spouse or de facto partner is eligible to open an Accumulation Plan or Income Stream with us.

Your spouse or partner will be eligible for other benefits that are enjoyed by ESSSuper members. They may choose to contribute their Superannuation Guarantee, salary sacrifice or make extra contributions to their account too.

Under certain circumstances, you may benefit from contributing to your spouse's account as well as your own.

Find out more about spouse contributions here

Important things to consider

Limits apply to super contributions and exceeding government contributions caps may have tax implications for you. Learn more about contributions caps on our Tax and super web page, or visit the ATO website at ato.gov.au

After tax contributions may not be the best option for you. Make sure you are aware of all of your options, such as salary sacrifice or spouse contributions, before making any decisions.

Need some help? Find out about the advice and education we offer to help you learn more about your options, or contact us to speak with a Member Education Consultant before making any decisions.


Emergency Services Superannuation Board ABN 28 161 296 741 (ESSB), the Trustee of the Emergency Services Superannuation Scheme ABN 85 894 637 037 (ESSSuper). The information contained on this web page is of a general nature only. It should not be considered as a substitute for reading the relevant ESSSuper Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) that contains detailed information about ESSSuper products, services and features. Before making a decision about an ESSSuper product, you should consider the appropriateness of the product to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It may also be beneficial to seek professional advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. An ESSSuper PDS is available on our PDS and handbooks page or by contacting us.