Stage 2: Active retirement phase
February 22 2025
Living in retirement is very different to working. Keeping physically and mentally active is essential for your health. An active, varied lifestyle may also reduce the risk of illness. So get out there, make new friends and still give back to the community.
Learn more about:
Personal interest networks
What opportunities are 'out there' for social interaction? How will you stay fit and active? Are friends retiring at the same time? What clubs could you join? Turn your personal interests into life changing opportunities.
Join an organisation or local club
There are lots of ways to locate and interact with like-minded active people. Click on the links below to start searching.
Become a volunteer
Like to give back to the community? Many non-profit organisations would greatly appreciate your help. Find over 12,000 opportunities with Volunteering Australia here.
Getting involved locally
Your local council hosts community events which provide a great opportunity to socialise locally with others who share similar interests. Visit your local council's website to find out more information about local events such as:
- Book clubs
- Art exhibitions
- Educational courses
Participate in Online Forums
Share Your Life Choices has created The Meeting Place where you can catch up online with friends old and new, near and far and post your thoughts on what matters most. It starts by clicking here.
Participate in research
Australian Clinical Trials is an organisation supported by the Australian Government to help improve the health of all Australians. For information on how to be part of a clinical trial, click here.
Keeping informed and on top of your health
Are you making the most of free and independent online information services available regarding your health? What do you need to consider now to ensure you're the healthiest you can be in retirement?
The government funded Healthinsite website provides very useful information about health services available for your particular life stage.
Click below to learn more about:
Further education
Have you considered further study? Retirement doesn't mean you stop learning. It may give the opportunity to pursue your passion or uncover a new career.
Whether it's a language or a new skill, you'll find affordable courses at: