Rollover your super
February 22 2025
Rollover your super through Members Online1
Consent to an ATO SuperMatch searchIf we find some - rollover1 online
'Rolling over' your super is the process of transferring your super balance from one fund to another.
If you are an ESSSuper member, or an eligible member spouse or de facto partner, you can roll your funds1 into our Accumulation Plan or an Income Stream, such as our Working Income Stream or Retirement Income Stream2.
The benefits of rolling over super into one fund include:
- you can save on fees
- you can benefit from compound interest
- it is easier for you to keep track of your super
- it is easier to manage your super
Rolling over is easy
All you need to do is complete a Consolidate super request through Members Online. With your consent, we'll use your tax file number to search the ATO's SuperMatch service for other super fund accounts held in your name. You can even transfer any unclaimed monies or super money held by the ATO to your ESSSuper account.
Log into Members Online
We do all the hard work to make sure all your money is safely secured in your ESSSuper account.
We can help you find your super
Defined benefit fund members
Your defined benefit fund is based on a specific formula, which means you are unable to add other money to your defined benefit fund.
However, many ESSSuper members partner their defined benefit fund with our Accumulation Plan2, to keep all their super with the fund they trust.
Not only does this allow them to consolidate other funds into ESSSuper, but they can also enjoy other benefits such as topping up their retirement income, accessing an income stream, or increasing their insurance.
Find out more about the Accumulation Plan here