Easy ways to access what you need to know

Super News

We believe that understanding your super is the first and most important step towards achieving a secure and comfortable retirement. That’s why we’re making it easier than ever for you to access expert information about your super.

At ESSSuper we’re here to serve you. Making it easy and convenient for you to find out what you want and need to know about your super is one of our top priorities. That’s why we’ve been working to continually improve the way we provide information to you through our website and other digital services. From digital benefit statements to our interactive online calculators or our mobile app, you can benefit from fast, full access to important information about your super, whenever it suits you.

Manage your super anytime, anywhere

If you use online banking, you know how convenient it is to access your account at any time. Whether you’re at home or away, during the day or night. ESSSuper Members Online delivers the same easy-to-use, convenience for your super accounts. It’s quick, secure and it’s free.
Depending on the fund you’re in, Members Online lets you see your transaction history and update your contribution rate, see how your funds are being invested and change your investment mix, consolidate any other super you have elsewhere, check your insurance cover, open new accounts and more. If you haven’t already registered for this useful service, just visit the ESSSuper website, select the Members Online tab and follow the prompts.

Don't worry, get Appy

Accessing your Members Online account is even more convenient using your smartphone or tablet with the ESSSuper app. As well as being able to use all the functions of Members Online, you can also receive or manage the latest correspondence from ESSSuper. It’s easy to use and secure with touch ID or a 4-digit PIN login depending on your device. To download the app, just search for ‘ESSSuper’ in the App Store or Google Play.

Calculate the benefits

Middle-aged man drinking coffee and on his iPad

To help you find answers to important questions about your super, we also have a series of calculators that you can access on the ESSSuper website. There are general calculators to help you assess how much super you could have when you retire, estimate how small savings could add up to big savings over time, investigate the value of making super contributions by salary sacrifice and more. There are also interactive tools to help you explore how much risk you are prepared to take with your investments or estimate the cost of getting the insurance cover you need.

When you log into Members Online there are even more sophisticated calculators you can use, like CompareMe, that lets you see how your benefit compares with other ESSSuper members of a similar age, job, gender and fund. Then there’s AssistMe, that forecasts an estimate of your final super balance. It can help you understand what your income in retirement may be, what lifestyle that will be able to support and how long your super may last. You can also see how little changes, like making extra contributions, can influence your retirement outcome.

More webinars to connect you with the experts in your fund

We’ve made it our job to be the experts in ESSSuper Defined Benefit funds. But that expertise is of little value if we don’t share it with you. Our series of seminars on understanding your super has long been popular with members. But we understand that not everyone has the time or ability to attend the seminars in person. So, we’ve expanded the range of seminars you can attend online. These webinars are free and you can simply attend by logging in on your computer or tablet, wherever you are. You can see the list of upcoming webinars and how to book here.
We put a lot of resources into making it easy for you to get the information you need in a variety of ways. Whether it’s online or in person, we are here to help manage your super. If you have any questions about your super, or how you can take advantage of our online services, just ask and we’ll be happy to help.

The information contained in this article is of a general nature only. It should not be considered as a substitute for reading ESSSuper’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) that contains detailed information about ESSSuper products, services and features. Before making a decision about an ESSSuper product, you should consider the appropriateness of the product to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It may also be beneficial to seek professional advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. An ESSSuper PDS is available at www.esssuper.com.au or by calling 1300 650 161.

Have you registered for Members Online?

Members Online allows you to gain full access to your super account securely, anytime, anywhere.

Register Now >

2020 Seminar Program

ESSSuper holds a range of free seminars, run by people who understand the type of work you do and who are the experts in your fund.

Register Now >

Multiple super funds?

ESSSuper members have the option to consolidate other super via Members Online. Consolidate now in just a few simple steps.

Get Started >


Thinking of retiring?

Book an appointment with one of our Member Education Consultants to find out if you’re doing everything you can with your super to ensure you'll have the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Book an appointment >

Do something super for your spouse.

As an ESSSuper member, your spouse or de facto partner is eligible to open an ESSSuper Accumulation Plan account.

Learn more >


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