A word from the CEO

Super News

Welcome to our first Super News for 2019. In this edition, you’ll find relevant and informative articles about the fund and your superannuation. Beyond super – because we understand there’s more to life – we’ve included lifestyle articles that you may be interested in. We’re always interested in hearing from you, please let us know what you think.
New Year is a time to both reflect and plan ahead. With ESSSuper, this can be how you build on maximising and protecting your wealth.

How we’re helping you

In 2019, ESSSuper is delivering more free Enjoy Your Super seminars, as well as providing local support over the phone or face-to-face with our Member Education Consultants.
If you have a Retirement Income Stream account, our Assist Me online tool uses gamification – simple graphics and animations based around real-life challenges – to help guide your investment choices.
We’re happy to announce that you can now easily access your Members Online account via the upgraded ESSSuper app. With the introduction of touch ID and PIN logins, you can securely access your account anytime and from anywhere. We’ve also added a new in-app digital member card, which means you’ll always have your member card handy.
We’ve also launched new digital Annual Benefit Statements. These statements are interactive and personalised to you. They provide your account information, contribution history and insurance, at a glance or in detail in an easy to read and understand format. On a side note, we’re pleased to save paper. And it helps keep your financial information more secure.

Industry update


Over the quarter up to September 2018, the ESSSuper Accumulation Fund generated positive returns across all Member Investment Choice (MIC) Options in a strong market environment. Despite the decline in equity markets over October, our downside protection focus helped to minimise the impact of falling markets on our members, with most of our Investment Options outperforming the median SuperRatings1 peer fund over the month2.

This is reflective of our approach on appropriate portfolio design and diversification to generate consistent long term results for our members. ESSSuper’s Accumulation Fund continues a five year trend of returning positive overall investment market returns.

As a $29 billion superannuation fund for Victorian emergency services and the public sector, ESSSuper is dedicated to support you through your superannuation and in retirement.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Super News. The ESSSuper team and I thank you for your continued support and wish you all the very best for the New Year.

Mark Puli
Chief Executive Officer

1. SuperRatings' October 2018 Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey.
2. Investment returns cannot be guaranteed as investment markets can be volatile. As a consequence, returns can be positive or negative. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Benefits in ESSSuper’s Accumulation Plan, Income Streams and Beneficiary Account products are not guaranteed or underwritten by the Victorian Government or ESSSuper, and ESSSuper does not come under the jurisdiction of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal.

Have you registered for Members Online?

Members Online allows you to gain full access to your super account securely, anytime, anywhere.

Register Now >

2019 Seminar Program

ESSSuper holds a range of free seminars, run by people who understand the type of work you do and who are the experts in your fund.

Register Now >

Multiple super funds?

ESSSuper members have the option to consolidate other super via Members Online. Consolidate now in just a few simple steps.

Get Started >

Thinking of retiring?

Book an appointment with one of our Member Education Consultants to find out if you’re doing everything you can with your super to ensure you'll have the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Book an appointment >

Do something super for your spouse.

As an ESSSuper member, your spouse or de facto partner is eligible to open an ESSSuper Accumulation Plan account.

Learn more >


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