Is it time to change your asset allocation?
ESSSuper Accumulation Plan and Income Stream members have the option to reassess and change the allocation of their investment options. And volatility in the markets like we’ve seen is often a prompt to consider this. However, it’s important to understand that changing investment options now to a lower risk approach, such as switching to cash, could ‘crystalise’ the current market losses. That’s because you're taking the value of the investments at a devalued level, so the opportunity to gain on them as the share market improves over time is lost to you.
Daniel Selioutine, Head of Investments at ESSSuper says, “Switching investment options to lower risk options may inadvertently lock-in investment losses and miss out on the potential for higher returns by being out of the market when it recovers. Market downturns, whatever their trigger may be, are inevitable and temporary. Every crisis, downturn, and recession comes to an end. And it is very likely that this crisis will be no different.”3
The last major period of economic turmoil, the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), is a case in point. After being devastated by the GFC, the stock market hit its lowest point in February 2009. But a major turnaround quickly followed, and by the end of 2009, the market had risen by 46 per cent.1
It is important to remember that super is a long-term investment, so while investment markets can be unpredictable over the shorter term, they typically recover over the longer term.
If you’re in your 30s and 40s, your super may have decades to recover. And if you're approaching retirement, or already retired, it's still important to stay focused on your long-term investment strategy and consider all your options before making any significant changes.4