Super News
Being physically active is good for people of all weight ranges and health conditions.1 Aim to do 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity on most days. Sounds like a big ask? You don’t have to take out a gym membership or hire a personal trainer. Simply make moderate physical activity part of your daily routine. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you do it as long as it adds up between 2½ and 5 hours of activity across the week.1
Find a few activities you enjoy doing. If you can make it fun, it’s easier to keep going. Try playing with the kids, walking the dog or dancing. In fact, walking is a great way to start. Just three 10 minute walks a day can put you on track to a healthier life.3 Try using the stairs instead of the lift, walk and talk with a friend for half an hour before going for a coffee, or go for a walk during lunch breaks at work.
1. Health communities, Tips for Staying Healthy in Your 50s 2. The European Food Information Council, 10 healthy lifestyle tips for adults 3. SA Health, Top tips for healthy living 4. Beyond Blue 5. Beyond Blue, Relaxation Exercises 6. The Conversation, Does everyone need 8 hours sleep?
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