Super News
If you receive a pension or regular Income Stream payments from us, you can make a ‘reversionary nomination’, which allows you to say who (generally a spouse or de-facto) will continue to receive your pension after your passing.1
However, if you have a lump sum to be allocated, you can make either a binding or non-binding nomination of your beneficiaries. A ‘non-binding nomination’ is only considered a guide as to how your super is allocated. The ESSSuper Board will be guided by your nomination and will ultimately determine who receives a benefit.
1. Reversionary nominations, ESSSuper2. Beneficiaries, ESSSuper3. Superannuation death benefits: Who receives super payments, and how much tax is paid?, October 17, 2018 by Trish Power, SuperGuide4. ESSSuper Financial Advisers are authorised representatives of Adviser Network Pty Ltd (Adviser Network). Adviser Network holds a current Australian Financial Services Licence No. 232729 and is responsible for the financial services provided to you. ESSSuper has an arrangement with Adviser Network Pty Ltd to provide financial advice to ESSSuper members. ESSSuper pays Adviser Network a fee for this service. Neither the Board, nor the Victorian Government, guarantee or endorse any recommendations made by Adviser Network, or are responsible for the advice and actions of Adviser Network.
The information contained in this article is of a general nature only. It should not be considered as a substitute for reading ESSSuper’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) that contains detailed information about ESSSuper products, services and features. Before making a decision about an ESSSuper product, you should consider the appropriateness of the product to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It may also be beneficial to seek professional advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. An ESSSuper PDS is available at or by calling 1300 650 161.
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