Make your super last the distance

Super News

Many of us will spend a quarter of our life in retirement.1 While it’s great that we’re enjoying longer, healthier lives, it does put pressure on your finances. So what can you do to protect your super and make it last?

As people move into their 60s and 70s, the long anticipated ‘life after work’ becomes a reality. But your super may need to last longer than you think. Back in the 1970s, life expectancy for men was just 69 years and 76 years for women. Today, the gender gap has closed and on average we’re living longer, with life expectancy now 80.5 years for men and 84.6 years for women.2 That’s why it’s really important to develop a plan that will help make your super last the distance.

What sort of life do you want?

For a start, you need to decide what a ‘good lifestyle’ in retirement looks like for you. For some it’s cruising around the world, others prefer a caravan and the open road, perhaps it’s perfecting your golf swing, spending more time with the grand kids, or simply pottering in the garden at home. Of course, each scenario requires a different level of income.

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia have an indicative Retirement Standard of how much you will need to fund a ‘comfortable’ lifestyle in retirement. They say single people will need $545,000 and couples will need $640,000 in super when they retire.1 That will deliver an annual income of around $43,200 and $60,843 respectively1, so you can enjoy such things as private health insurance, some domestic and overseas travel, entertainment and restaurant dining, good quality clothing and household goods.

How can you make the most of what you’ve got?

No matter how much super you actually have, there are things that you can do to make the most of it. Many people have a number of different jobs over their working life, and as a result may have opened multiple super accounts along the way. Each account may have an administration fee and the more accounts you have, the more fees you will pay. Plus, there could be insurance premiums being deducted from each account. You can quickly find and consolidate any lost super you have using the live super search tool in Members Online3. You’ll save on fees and having all your super in one place makes it easier to manage.

You should check any relevant exit fees you may incur, or any insurance arrangements that may be forfeited, or any other effects this transfer may have on your benefits, before rolling your money into our fund.

What’s your appetite for risk?


If you have an ESSSuper Accumulation Plan account or Income Stream, it’s a good idea to regularly check your investment options. Ask yourself, what level of risk are you prepared to take? To help you make informed decisions about your investment options, first take a moment to set up your Investment Risk Profile on our website.

Consider all your options

If you are over your preservation age and have permanently retired, you could explore the benefits of an ESSSuper Retirement Income Stream that is like your own personal pension. There is no income tax on the payments you receive, you can decide how the funds are invested and there is no tax on the investment earnings. It’s a popular alternative to taking your super as a lump sum, as it can make your super last longer.4

Get good information and advice

If you want more information about your options with ESSSuper, you can always make an appointment with one of our experienced Member Education Consultants. They can answer even the most complex questions about your super and give you general advice about our products and options. If you want personal advice about your l financial situation, including investments outside of super, we also offer a financial planning service. An ESSSuper Adviser5 can take a look at your overall financial position and help you plan the best way to achieve your financial goals.


1. 'How much will I need?', Super Guru.
2. Life Tables, Australian Bureau of Statistics data 2015-2017.
3. You should check any relevant exit fees you may incur, or any insurance arrangements that may be forfeited, or any other effects this transfer may have on your benefits, before rolling your money into our fund.
4. Introducing Retirement Income Streams, ESSSuper.
5. ESSSuper Financial Advisers are authorised representatives of Adviser Network Pty Ltd (Adviser Network). Adviser Network holds a current Australian Financial Services Licence No. 232729 and is responsible for the financial services provided to you. ESSSuper has an arrangement with Adviser Network Pty Ltd to provide financial advice to ESSSuper members. ESSSuper pays Adviser Network a fee for this service. Neither the Board, nor the Victorian Government, guarantee or endorse any recommendations made by Adviser Network, or are responsible for the advice and actions of Adviser Network.

The information contained in this article is of a general nature only. It should not be considered as a substitute for reading ESSSuper’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) that contains detailed information about ESSSuper products, services and features. Before making a decision about an ESSSuper product, you should consider the appropriateness of the product to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It may also be beneficial to seek professional advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. An ESSSuper PDS is available on our website or by calling 1300 650 161. 

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ESSSuper members have the option to consolidate other super via Members Online. Consolidate now in just a few simple steps.

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