Investment Risk Profile calculator

Have you ever wondered how you compare with other ESSSuper members when it comes to your super savings? Or wanted to learn more about the tools and resources that can help you boost your super savings? Use this tool to see how your balance compares with other ESSSuper members like you.

Just enter your age, gender and super balance here.


About this calculator

The ESSSuper CompareMe tool is issued by Emergency Services Superannuation Board ABN 28 161 296 741 the Trustee of the Emergency Services Superannuation Scheme ABN 85 894 637 037 (ESSSuper). The ESSSuper CompareMe tool is designed to assist all ESSSuper members. The ESSSuper CompareMe tool compares your ESSSuper balance with other ESSSuper members of a similar age, gender and product to you and in relation to the average super balance. The information contained in this tool and the advice provided is of a general nature only. This means that when you put your responses to the questions there is no actual consideration or analysis of your responses, and there is no consideration of your personal financial situation, needs or objectives. The ESSSuper CompareMe tool average balance data is updated once a year. The CompareMe tool isn’t a retirement projection tool. Results generated from the CompareMe tool don’t provide an indication that you’re on track for a comfortable retirement. The results depicted are illustrative only. The information and results the tool provides only take into account certain information you provide in order to provide comparative information and doesn’t consider your personal circumstances, including your current lifestyle expenses, other super accounts, other financial commitments such as debt or other needs and objectives. If you’re in a Defined Benefit Fund (DB), then the CompareMe tool may not factor any additional entitlements you could be entitled to or whether you are eligible to receive from other ESSSuper products. Before making a decision about an ESSSuper product, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice and the appropriateness of the product to your personal objectives, financial situation and needs. It may also be beneficial to seek professional advice from a licensed financial planner or adviser. Investment returns cannot be guaranteed as investment markets can be volatile. As a consequence, returns can be positive or negative. Past investment performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Last updated 30 JUN 2023