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Financial Advice

September 01 2024

Our responsibility to you

ESSSuper Financial Advisers will provide advice that is in your best interests. Our Financial Advisers are authorised representatives of Link Advice and will only recommend products after considering the suitability to your personal financial situation and needs.

Take control of your financial future

Speak to someone today to find out if a Financial Adviser can assist you.

Contact us

Planning for your future can be a daunting task. The decisions you make today can have a lasting impact on the life you live in retirement, which is why it is important to consider personal financial advice.

Sometimes you need more than just information. Sometimes you need someone to consider your personal financial circumstances and needs, rather than just letting you know what your options are. Sometimes, you need an expert to plan the best way for you to achieve your financial goals.

Because we care about you and your future, we offer a financial planning service1. Our qualified Financial Advisers not only understand the unique complexities of your ESSSuper funds, but are also able to advise on more than just your super.

For general advice or information, you can always talk to one of our Member Education Consultants. But for those times where you need a tailored plan that's in your best interest, our Financial Advisers are here for you.

What can our Financial Advisers provide?

Your first appointment is obligation free, and held at no additional cost to you (as an ESSSuper member). This appointment will be used to understand your personal objectives, financial situation and needs, and to determine if this level of assistance is right for you.

A comprehensive tailored financial plan

A qualified Financial Adviser can work with you to develop a tailored plan to help you reach your retirement goals.

It's also important to consider seeking financial advice if you:

  • Are planning to leave work
  • Are facing redundancy
  • Are considering a change in career
  • Want to move to part time work, or
  • Receive a lump sum of money and need to make an investment decision.

Limited (scaled) financial advice

If you would like advice about a particular topic, we can provide that for you.

Specific topics you might want advice on include:

  • Choosing an investment option
  • Making contributions to super, including salary sacrifice
  • Retirement needs
  • Consolidation of super
  • Insurance
  • Working income streams, including transition to retirement

This advice will be provided in a Statement of Advice.

Fees and charges

We provide general advice and information to hundreds of ESSSuper members every day. If you would like general information, or if you would like to enquire about an appointment with a Member Education Consultant, please contact us.

Our comprehensive financial plans are charged at an hourly rate of $330.00. The cost of a plan ranges from $2,640 to $5,940 depending on the complexity of the plan. In exceptional circumstances this cost may be higher.

For specific, single-topic financial advice, plans are charged at an hourly rate of $330.00 and the cost of a plan ranges from $1,980 to $2,640 depending on the advice topics. All pricing includes GST.

Before choosing to proceed with financial advice, you will be provided with a quote at the conclusion of your first appointment.

Where the advice relates exclusively to your super account with ESSSuper, members with an ESSSuper Accumulation Plan, Income Stream or Beneficiary Account may choose to deduct a component of the fees for this advice from their account. Any fees associated with personal advice that is not directly related to your super will need to be paid by you.


1. ESSSuper Financial Advisers are authorised representatives of Link Advice Pty Ltd (Link Advice). Link Advice holds a current Australian Financial Services Licence No. 258145 and is responsible for the financial services provided to you. ESSSuper has an arrangement with Link Advice Pty Ltd to provide financial advice to ESSSuper members. ESSSuper pays Link Advice a fee for this service. Neither the Board, nor the Victorian Government, guarantee or endorse any recommendations made by Link Advice, or are responsible for the advice and actions of Link Advice.